Hey, friend!

I’m Francine.

I am the founder of Consumed Coaching, creator of the Kingdom Coach Certification Program, a coach’s coach, and a mentor.

I’m am an obnoxiously positive person,
a recovering Workaholic,
mom of 3,

Jesus follower,
coffee addict,

who will believe in you and the call of God on your life even when you don’t!”

Why? Because your success is personal to me!

Why I started this membership…

When I started coaching several years ago, I knew I had a passion for Christian entrepreneurs, influencers, and ministry leaders. I was certified in several coaching styles and programs, but I still found myself floundering, looking for quality resources that would line up with my Christian beliefs, and being so uncomfortable with the sales processes taught in the industry. I found so much junk out there and weeding through it was so time-consuming!   How could I do that AND --BUILD MY COACHING BUSINESS?! I FELT SO ALONE!

I spent the next few years creating PDFs, training workbooks, and worksheets for my clients and I was so excited because my clients were getting amazing results!!!

As I continued, I realized I wasn't the only faith-based coach struggling.  That is why I created this membership and community!  

I want to create a space where coaches could collaborate.  Where they could find quality modules, worksheets, and workbooks to help their clients. Beautifully curated content created for coaches to use and do what they do best...coach their clients to success!

What people are saying...

Francine gave me tools that allow me to be more intentional with my thoughts during times of adversity, change my self-talk, identify ways to find more balance, navigate different client personalities, and most importantly, helped me keep Faith intertwined in my goals (and on that note – setting BIGGER goals!). If you can relate to my testimonial, do yourself a favor and hire Francine. I will carry her wisdom with me forever!  -Tyler, AZ 

“Coach Francine has taken me from a thought, an idea, and excitement of starting my own business to having my own clients and making money within 2 months!!!  She breaks down the actions I needed, to take into small bite-sized pieces so I wasn’t overwhelmed with the end goal.  I know I would not be as far along as I am today without her wisdom, encouragement, and accountability. Not only do I feel successful, and valued, but I feel empowered to make a difference in the area of my calling.  Coaches, if you need a coach, Francine will propel you forward!!!” - Stephanie K - Texas

Francine is as genuine as it gets! She brings God's word every day no matter how raw and real it is! Her light shines so bright in this broken world! You will truly be blessed by her and learn more of God's love for you and what He wants for your life! - JAMIE G, TX

The Business Stuff...


Francine is an Executive Coach and Founder of Consumed Coaching, LLC. She helps entrepreneurs, coaches, and influencers grow in their personal and professional lives through her faith-based coaching program. Francine is certified as a Life Coach, Sales and Leadership Coach, and Coach, Speaker, and Trainer for the John Maxwell Team

She is a powerful speaker who challenges her audiences to believe bigger and to walk in confidence. She has coached individuals in many industries and Fortune 500 companies, as well as boutique companies and non-profit organizations. Her clients appreciate her ability to cut through the noise and help them focus on what is important.