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Meet Coach Meghan

"God didn't design you for burnout. I'm committed to guiding you toward a life where success meets significance and peace replaces pressure."

Coach Meghan DeVito


A Certified Christian Life Coach

Meet Meghan, a widely-regarded and highly-recognized Certified Christian Life Coach and leading authority in transformation and leadership. With over two dozen years in the field, her expertise is in high demand for individuals seeking guidance through the life and career intricacies of contemporary Christian life.

Educational Background & Specialties

A Certified Consumed Coach with a degree in Hospitality and Marketing, and a certificate in a Counseling Model for People in Ministry, Meghan blends extensive academic knowledge, practical experience, and endless industry trainings to offer tailored coaching and consulting services. Specializing in setting boundaries, quieting the noise of the Hustle Culture, achieving peace over pressure in both work and life, breaking generational cycles, and finding contentment, she stands as a go-to expert in her field.

Courses & Media Appearances

Meghan is the co-author of the transformative course 'No to Know: How to Say No to Others and Know Your Worth in Christ.' She is also the creator of courses 'Busy as a Mother' and 'Come to the Table.' She also hosts the compelling video interview series, 'In Our Mess, God is Never Confused.' These platforms showcase her industry-leading conversations about life’s challenges and how God is ever-present through it all. Additionally, Meghan has been a guest trainer for numerous direct sales teams as well as start-up companies, further solidifying her role as a go-to expert in her field.

Awards & Leadership

Recognized for her extraordinary leadership skills, Meghan has been honored with accolades such as 'Associate of the Year' from the Marriott Corporation and achieved an impressive half a dozen promotions in just five years. Not only a leader in direct sales, Meghan has also lent her expertise to Fortune 500 companies, further solidifying her reputation as an industry-leading figure. In the direct sales sector specifically, she has earned endless awards, promotions, and recognition. She has successfully captained a million-dollar annual sales team and managed an international team of over 200 members, generating six-figure revenues annually.

Community Impact

As the founder of Coffee Talk Consulting LLC and the Christian Commerce Community of Monmouth, Ocean, and Middlesex Counties, Meghan's impact extends well beyond individual coaching. She has empowered hundreds of team members, clients, and start-ups, helping them scale their businesses and enrich their lives. Moreover, Meghan is a trailblazer in building thriving communities for start-up companies, providing a supportive environment that fosters innovation, collaboration, and sustainable growth.


Connect with Meghan

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This is how we show up for our clients. As a Consumed Coach these 3 core values are essential to every program we offer!  "We are here for your success, because we take it personal!"


At Consumed Coaching, we believe that genuine breakthroughs emerge from genuine connections. For real transformations to unfold in your life, you need more than generalized advice; you need a dedicated confidante who truly listens, who genuinely sees you, and who speaks with clarity and purpose into your unique circumstances.

With Consumed Coaching, you're not just another client on a list. You are an individual with a distinct story and a purpose crafted by God. Every interaction you have with our team will echo our deep-seated belief: that every life is precious, every journey is unique, and every person deserves to be known - truly known.

Join us not just for a service, but for a relationship. With Consumed Coaching, you're not only recognized by God, but you're personally valued and understood by us.


At Consumed Coaching, our foundation is firmly rooted in our Christian faith.  We're lead by the belief that aligning with the word of God and being led by the Holy Spirit is paramount in realizing God’s purpose in one's life.

This spiritual commitment is not a mere aspect of our company; it is the lifeblood of everything we do. From our coaching methodologies to our leadership decisions, we embed our faith and its teachings. Our Coaches are unapologetically consumed by the call of God on our life.

Every member of our team not only understands the Word but lives it out with intentionality. 

With us, it's not just about achieving worldly goals; it's about championing a life, business, and relationships that resonate with Biblical values. Join us in a journey that doesn’t just aim for success but seeks purpose, guided by God's divine blueprint.


At Consumed Coaching, our commitment to excellence is not just an ambition; it's a sacred responsibility. We firmly believe that when God entrusts us with a task, it is our divine duty to execute it with unparalleled excellence.

For us, "good enough" simply doesn't cut it. We are driven by the ethos, "Be so good you cannot be ignored." This isn't just a quote we admire; it's a standard we hold ourselves to, each and every day.

From our coaching sessions to our events, from our business dealings to every other endeavor we undertake, excellence is our trademark. 

We're not passive about excellence; we chase it. Excellence, for us, is an active pursuit. 

When you partner with Consumed Coaching, you're not just getting a service. You're aligning with a team that's wholeheartedly dedicated to excellence—without compromise.

Hi, I'm Meghan!

The Jersey Shore is my home. I am married to my soulmate, a dedicated mom who navigates the ups and downs of raising teenagers with a grace-filled heart.

Guided by my favorite scripture, I find solace and strength.

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Matthew 11:28-29

In between coaching sessions and juggling the life of being a mom, I cherish the ritual of family meals — where conversations flow and memories are made. Whether it's a day spent unplugging in nature or gathered around the dinner table, I believe, every moment spent with family is a gift.


Beth M.

Working with Meghan as my Coach has been an incredible experience. Prior to our sessions, I struggled with setting healthy boundaries in both my personal and professional life, often feeling overwhelmed and burnt out. Through our work together, I was able to identify the areas where I needed to establish boundaries and develop strategies to do so in a way that was consistent with my Christian values. Meghan provided me with practical tools and insights to help me navigate challenging situations with grace and compassion, while also staying true to my values and priorities. As a result, I've experienced a newfound sense of peace and freedom in my daily life.

Jaye R.

When I first started working with Meghan I was exhausted and just functioning barely every single day. And she started the process of peeling back the onion and being gentle with me. She helped me move forward in my life, she helped me find rest. She was a very safe place for me to fall apart and there was absolutely no judgment at all. 

Talking healthy boundaries with Coaches Meghan DeVito, Reagan Ivey, and Francine Ivey!

Watch this video to be encouraged and understand biblical boundaries with Consumed Coaching's Boundaries Coach Meghan DeVito and Mindset Mentor Coach, Reagan Ivey!


Have you ever felt caught in the unrelenting cycle of hustle?

In today's fast-paced world, the constant push to always be "on" is real. But as believers, we're beckoned to a pace of peace and trust in God's plan.

Unsure if the hustle has edged out your peace? This checklist will help you identify where you're at and reclaim your joy.